The PROMETHEUS project: IIoT platform for safe and sustainable manufacturing in distributed environments aims to develop an industrial HW/SW platform based on the paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT, Internet of Things) and Big Data technologies.
PROMETHEUS will design a service-oriented architecture, which will allow monitoring in real time (capturing information from various sources such as sensors, machines, etc.) several different manufacturing centers belonging to the same group, considerably improving communication between geographically separated factories or departments through the horizontal, smooth and secure exchange and operation of information.
The objectives of this platform will be:
– Improve energy efficiency, optimising management and minimising costs related to the energy consumption of factories during their daily activities, as well as ensuring sustainability and environmental efficiency of the manufacturing process.
– Intrusion detection and security. Through advanced machine learning techniques, strange patterns or behaviors will be identified in the industrial network infrastructure, allowing early and real-time detection of anomalous events and/or threats.
The project involves companies:
Supported by the GRADIANT Technology Centre as a research organisation´.
The PROMETHEUS project has been subsidized by the Galician Axencia of Innovation (GAIN), with the support of the Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria de la Xunta de Galicia, through the calls for aid for 2018 of the Conecta Peme program, with file No IN852A 2018/66, co-financed with the ERDF Fund of the European Union within the operational programme OP ERDF 2014-2020 “A way to make Europe”. It has been with the main objective OT1 “Promote technological development, innovation and quality research”.