Ednon is committed to an active and voluntary contribution to:

  • the integration of various social, ethical and environmental concerns into your business.
  • the respect for human rights and decent working conditions.
  • serve our clients (and society) with useful services and fair conditions.
  • respect the environment, avoiding as much as possible any type of contamination, minimizing the generation of waste and rationalizing the use of natural and energy resources (making correct use of water, continually reviewing company’s energy efficiency, etc.).
  • comply with law, regulation, rules and common law rigorously, respecting all legitimate contracts and commitments acquired.

Ednon supports the advancement of the IT sector through it’s participation in associations and collaboration with companies and public administrations. We firmly believe that technology helps to improve people’s lives and all in accordance with our Code of Ethics.

Ednon is part of initiatives like:

  • the United Nations Global Compact (global initiative for business sustainability based on 10 Principles in the field of Human Rights, Employment Standards, Environment and Fight against Corruption
  • adherence to the Diversity Charter (fight against discrimination).
    • ‘Voluntariado Dixital’ of ‘Xunta de Galicia’ (with the aim of guaranteeing the digital inclusion of citizens), recently becoming ‘Digital Patron’ (selfless collaboration with public administrations and other organizations).
    • Corporate Volunteering (promoting employee participation in social initiatives).
  • Supporting Associations such as:
    • Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (fight against cancer).
    • Asociación contra la Esclerosis Múltiple (fight against multiple sclerosis).